Res-Intel beat out considerable competition to become San Diego Gas and Electric’s (SDG&E) net metered energy consumption (NMEC) program evaluator. NMEC measures energy savings at the meter, as opposed to using industry standard deemed savings or custom modeling methods.
Meter-based savings is a new metric for energy conservation measure (ECM) performance that is results-driven, and will lend greater insight into program design and performance. For instance, program level meter-based savings can be measured in close to real-time with advanced metering infrastructure. This timely feedback can inform adjustments to program implementation throughout the program cycle, which can yield better program performance. Meter-based savings will also make for pay-for-performance program design practical. Implementors will only be paid for measured savings, rather than estimated, producing greater motivation to implement high performance programs.
Res-Intel will begin by performing NMEC evaluations of SDG&E’s Multifamily and Retrocommissioning HOPPs programs and will continue to develop methods and models for measuring savings across their portfolio. Res-Intel uses multivariate regression models and machine learning methods to provide modeling validity and accuracy.
Res-Intel is a national leader in mass-scale benchmarking of residential buildings. Its benchmarking engine provides micro-targeted recommendations for property owners and managers to cost-effectively reduce energy and water usage. The Res-Intel software platform has been partially funded under California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research grant #57356A/11-12 and #58076A/14-09G.
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