Res-Intel Brings Energy Savings to a New California Utility

From a utility perspective, multi-family residences are often overlooked by energy efficiency programs. Thanks to Res-Intel’s benchmarking software, a major California utility can now easily identify opportunities for multi-family buildings to reduce electricity consumption through demand response programs and simple efficiency upgrades.

Res-Intel’s Residential Characterization© software makes all of this possible. Algorithms integrate information from real estate and climate databases, as well as utility accounts, to create an intuitive 1-100 benchmark score for each property. The lower the score, the more energy the property uses. The software also predicts if a property is tenant or master metered, whether a property has a pool, and estimates energy used for space heating, cooling, and baseload to better identify cost-effective improvements tailored to each individual residence. 

A traditional energy audit for a multi-family building costs hundreds of dollars and takes weeks to arrange; the Residential Characterization© tool can audit thousands of residences at a time in just a few seconds. The audit results are presented in a user-friendly dashboard to optimize energy efficiency program decisions. 

In addition to benchmarking, Res-Intel is mapping every multi-family residence in the new utility partner’s territory to determine which properties are not yet taking advantage of funds that offer energy efficiency upgrades to disadvantaged and low-income residents. As a result of this partnership, the utility will have access to customized information on energy usage and potential savings for multi-family properties, allowing for a more personal approach when engaging customers. 

Read on for more information about how your company can benefit from getting to know your residential customers.

Res-Intel is a national leader in mass-scale benchmarking of residential buildings. Its benchmarking engine provides micro-targeted recommendations for property owners and managers to cost-effectively reduce energy and water usage. The Res-Intel software platform has been partially funded under California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research grant #57356A/11-12 and #58076A/14-09G. 

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