Res-Intel is designed to provide actionable insights to improve utility profitability, customer satisfaction, and operational effectiveness.
Residential Demand Side Management (DSM) programs represent fantastic opportunities for improving customer satisfaction and lowering energy procurement costs. However, customer participation is very low: 85% of Americans have not participated in utility energy efficiency program over the last 3 years.
Most utilities have cost-effective programs to help their customers save money, but the uptake of these programs is low. As a result of these low participation rates, utilities know very little about their customers because they are not volunteering critical data to the utilities.

Ideally, utilities should strategically target customers using customized invitations tailored to their household’s attributes. They can better target efficiency programs if they know what their customers need.
Imagine how important it is to be able to benchmark the energy and water usage for each and every house in a state. To be most useful, these benchmarks control for occupancy and weather using advanced analytical techniques. With robust benchmarks of energy and water usage, decision makers can effectively identify abnormally high usage residences, and then target homeowners with customized DSM incentives to reduce their usage!